Otwinowski Lab

- People - Andrzej Kudlicki

Postdoctoral positions
in computational biology
are available in my new laboratory at UTMB.
Please click here for details.

Assistant Professor - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Scientist - Sealy Center for Molecular Medicine
University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Blvd.
Galveston, TX 77555
Phone: +1 409-747-6860
E-mail: a.kudlicki@utmb.edu

Research Scientist

Department of Biochemistry
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

5323 Harry Hines Blvd., ND10.214
Dallas, Texas 75390-9038

Ph.D. - Physics- Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 2000
M.Sc. - Physics - Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland, 1995

Research Interests:

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Bioinformatics and Biophysics:

Dequéant, M-L., Ahnert, S., Edelsbrunner, H., Fink, T.M.A., Glynn, E., Hattem, G., Kudlicki, A., Mileyko, Y., Morton, J., Mushegian, A., Pachter, L., Rowicka, M., Shiu, A., Sturmfels, B., Pourquié, O.:
Comparison of Pattern Detection Methods in Microarray Time Series of the Segmentation Clock doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002856 PLoS ONE 3(8): e2856 (2008).

Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M.(equal author), Otwinowski, Z.:
The crystallographic fast Fourier transform: Recursive symmetry reduction
Acta Cryst. A63, 465-480 (2007). PDF

Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M., Otwinowski, Z.:
SCEPTRANS: an online tool for analyzing periodic transcription in yeast
Bioinformatics, 23, 1559-1561 (2007) Link

Rowicka, M., Kudlicki, A. (equal first author), Tu, B.P., and Otwinowski, Z.:
High-resolution timing of the cell-cycle regulated gene expression
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., (2007) Link.

Wójcik, C., Rowicka, M., Kudlicki, A., Nowis, D., McConnell, E., Kujawa, M., and DeMartino, G.N.:
Valosin-containing protein (p97) is a regulator of endoplasmic reticulum stress and of the degradation of N-end rule
and ubiquitin-fusion degradation pathway substrates in mammalian cells
Molecular Biology Of The Cell 17 (11): 4606-4618 (2006) Link

Tu, B.P., Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M., and McKnight, S.L.:
Logic of the Yeast Metabolic Cycle: Temporal compartmentalization of Cellular Processes
Science 310, 1152 (2005) Link

Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M., Gilski, M., Otwinowski, Z.:
An efficient routine for computing symmetric real spherical harmonics for high orders of expansion
Journal of Applied Crystallography 38, 501 (2005), PDF

Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M., Otwinowski, Z.:
The crystallographic fast Fourier transform. IV. FFT-asymmetric units in the reciprocal space
Acta Cryst. A60, 146-152 (2004) PDF

Rowicka, M., Kudlicki, A., Zelinka, J., and Otwinowski, Z.:
Coordinate transformations in modern crystallographic computing
Acta Cryst. A60, 542-549 (2004). PDF

Kudlicki A., Rowicka, M., and Z. Otwinowski, Z.:
Stereochemical Rules for Connecting Disjoint Protein Fragments
Amer Inst Phys Proceedings 735, 169 (2004) PDF

Rowicka, M. and Kudlicki, A.:
Bayesian Modeling of Protein Networks
Amer Inst Phys Proceedings 735, 283 (2004) Link

Rowicka, M., Kudlicki, A., and Otwinowski, Z.:
The crystallographic fast Fourier transform. III. Centred lattices
Acta Cryst. A59, 183-192 (2003) PDF

Rowicka, M., Kudlicki, A., and Otwinowski, Z.:
The crystallographic fast Fourier transform. II. One-step symmetry reduction
Acta Cryst. A59, 172-182 (2003) PDF

Rowicka, M., Kudlicki, A., and Otwinowski, Z.:
The crystallographic fast Fourier transform. I. p3 symmetry
Acta Cryst. A58, 574-579 (2002) PDF

  • Astrophysics:

Ciecielag, P., Chorodowski, M., Kiraga, M., Strauss, M., Kudlicki, A., Bouchet, F.:
Guassianity of Cosmic Velocity Fields and Linearity of the Velocity-gravity Relation
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 641-651 (2003) PDF

Kudlicki, A., Chodorowski, M., Strauss, M.,. Ciecielag, P.:
The cosmic gravity-velocity relation
Advances in Space Research, 31, 2, 469-474 (2002), PDF

Kudlicki, A., Chodorowski, M., Plewa, T., Rozyczka, M.:
Reconstructing cosmic peculiar velocities from the mildly non-linear density field
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 316, 3, 464-472, (2000), PDF

Ciecielag, P., Chodorowski, M., Kudlicki, A.:
Local group velocity versus gravity: Nonlinear effects
Acta Astronomica, 51, 103-115 (2001). Link

Kudlicki, A., Chodorowski, M., Plewa, T., Rozyczka, M.:
Peculiar Velocities from the Nonlinear Density Field
ASP Conference Series, 201, 310 (2000) PDF

Bernardeau, F., Chodorowski, M., Lokas, E., Stompor, R., Kudlicki, A.:
Non-linearity and stochasticity in the density-velocity relation
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 309, 2, 543-555. (1999), PDF

Kudlicki, A., Plewa, T., Rozyczka, M.:
CPPA -- a New Hydrodynamical Code for Cosmological Large-Scale Structure Simulations
Acta Astronomica, 46, 297-309 (1996). Link

Soltan, A., Kudlicki, A.:
Nonuniform Distribution of Galaxies in Very Large Scale
Acta Astronomica, 44, 21-31, (1994), PDF

  • Other publications:

Tu, B.P., Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M. and McKnight, S.L.:
Let the data speak
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 7 (12): C1-C2 2006 Link

Kudlicki, A.:
Ph.D. thesis (in Polish)
Statistical Properties of Cosmic Velocity Fields - Numerical Simulations
Pol. Acad. Sci. (2000) PDF

Rozyczka, M., Plewa, T. and Kudlicki, A.:
Structure Formation in Cosmology in: "Free Boundary Problems and Applications"
Ditman Research Notes in Mathematical Sciences, Addison Wesley Longman (1996) PDF

Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M. and Otwinowski, Z.:
The ultimate Fourier transform for crystallography
Erice Crystallography Publications, Padova, Italy (2002)

Kudlicki, A.:
M.Sc. thesis - Comparison of Selected Algorithms for Cosmological Simulations in the Weakly-Nonlinear Regime (in Polish)
Warsaw University (1995) PDF

Rowicka, M., Kudlicki, A., and Otwinowski, Z.:
The ultimate fast Fourier transform for crystallography
Acta Cryst. A58 (Supplement), C87 (2002)

Other stuff:

A pretty image I created with Gus Evrard in 1998 has been chosen the Astronomy Picture of the Day.

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