Computational biology & bioinformatics:
Dequéant, M-L., Ahnert, S., Edelsbrunner, H., Fink, T.M.A., Glynn, E., Hattem, G., Kudlicki, A., Mileyko, Y., Morton, J., Mushegian,
A., Pachter, L., Rowicka,
M., Shiu, A., Sturmfels, B., Pourquié, O.:
Comparison of Pattern Detection Methods in Microarray Time Series of the
Segmentation Clock,
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002856 PLoS ONE 3(8): e2856 (2008).
Rowicka, M., Kudlicki, A., Tu, B.P., Otwinowski, Z.: "High-resolution timing of cell cycle-regulated gene expression "
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 104 (43), 16892-16897 (2007) Webpage
Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M., Otwinowski, Z.: "SCEPTRANS: an online tool for analyzing periodic transcription in yeast "
Bioinformatics, 23 (12): 1559-1561, (2007) Webpage
Wojcik, C., Rowicka, M., Kudlicki, A., Nowis, D., McConnell, E., Kujawa, M., DeMartino, G.: "Valosin-containing Protein (p97) Is a Regulator of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and of the Degradation of N-End Rule and Ubiquitin-Fusion Degradation Pathway Substrates in Mammalian Cells "
Mol. Biol. Cell, 17, 4606-4618 (2006)
- Tu, B.P., Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M., McKnight, S.L.: "Logic of the yeast metabolic cycle: Temporal compartmentalization of the cellular processes "
Science, 310, 1152-1158 (2005) Webpage
Protein crystallography & modeling:
Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M., Otwinowski, Z.: The crystallographic fast Fourier transform. The recursive symmetry reduction.
Acta Cryst. A 63, 465-480 (2007). PDF
Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M., Gilski, M., Otwinowski, Z.: An efficient routine for computing symmetric real spherical harmonics for high orders of expansion.
J. Apllied Cryst. A 38, 501-504 (2005).
Rowicka, M., Kudlicki, A., Zelinka, J., Otwinowski, Z.: Coordinate transformations in modern crystallographic computing.
Acta Cryst. A 60, 542-549 (2004).
Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M., Otwinowski, Z.: The crystallographic fast Fourier transform. IV. FFT-asymmetric units in the reciprocal space.
Acta Cryst. A 60, 146-152 (2004). PDF
- Kudlicki, A., Rowicka, M., Otwinowski, Z.: Stereochemical Rules for Connecting Disjoint Protein Fragments
Amer Inst Phys Proceedings 735, 169 (2004)
- Rowicka, M., Otwinowski, Z.: Application of Maximum Entropy principle
to modeling torsional angle distribution in proteins, Proceedings
of the 23rd annual conferecen on Bayesian methods in science and
engineering, 359-370 (2003) PDF
Mathematical physics:
Rowicka, M.: Exponential equations related to the quantum 'ax+b' group, Commun. Math. Phys., 244, 419-453 (2004), PDF
Rowicka, M.: An example of a braided category of C* - algebras, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 41, 173-191 (1998), PDF |